State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic Slovak Caves Administration
Štátna ochrana prírody

Caves attendance

Caves attendance for the last 10 years

Belianska Cave12648512843714074914437669600527681073211273901193913872
Brestovská Cave3041108531072610269755865441000010167105320
Bystrianska Cave256362829429474289842136821061196002859527862697
Demänovská Cave of Liberty12814411990811564311870364321499068138312088954533206
Demänovská Ice Cave7705479853747497126244351352463801661931313650
Dobšinská Ice Cave8031387132821118217657018392535398758812516880
Domica Cave3873029409292082492120410136351578033327232180
Driny Cave3742539218376063655625002308183769732203323370
Gombasecká Cave1135014543131331608711830117901452815766150680
Harmanecká Cave2043419540188851980017169158151781114890138090
Jasovská Cave1708920621187042103112390127181616116084159630
Ochtinská Aragonite Cave2873435463313213515929709236222501924430244180
Važecká Cave1946419887195431910912129119081692920030156570

Card payment - recommendation

Dear visitors, we would like to inform you that due to the technical conditions of payment terminals, there may be situations when card payment will not be possible. For this reason, we recommend that you have an adequate amount of cash available if you want to be sure that you will be able to visit the cave. Thank you for understanding.

Demänovská jaskyňa slobody - long tour reopened from 1st July 2024

Dear visitors,

after a longer period we reopen the long tour in the Demänovska Cave of Liberty from the 1st of July 2024. The tour is open once a day at 13:15 from June to August (3 months) and at 13:00 during the rest of the opening days. Number of visitors is limited, the tour is demanding, with many steps and it takes more than one and a half hours. Cave temperature is around 7°C whole year round. We are looking forward to your visit. 

Cave visit with small children

Dear visitors, due to increased visitation of parents with very small children (circa up to 3 - 4 years of age), we would like to kindly ask you to have a rucksack baby carrier with you for visiting the more demanding caves in given time. This recommendation concerns all caves but the most concerned are the following ones: Demänovská Cave of Liberty, Belianska Cave, Dobšinská Ice Cave, Demänovská Ice Cave, Harmanecká Cave. We also ask you to consider visiting the cave with your crying child, which could disturb the other visitors. Thank you for understanding and we wish you a nice experience.

Cave tour guides for download

Dear visitors, cave tour guides are available for download


Správa jeskyní České republikyInternational Year of Caves and KarstHabakukyZajo