The cave is situated easterly from the Liptovský Mikuláš, in the Jánska Valley national nature reserve.
It is located in the central part of the karst territory. The known entrances are located at elevations of 809 m and 854 m, approximately 19 m and 64 m above the riverbed of Štiavnica. The main entrance is well accessible and probably known for long ago by local shephers and woodcutters. The second entrance is artificial. The length of cave spaces reaches 10,688 m with vertical span of 147 m, which ranks this cave among the most important in Slovakia.
The cave represents a large and complicated cave system formed in dark grey veiny Middle Triassic Gutenstein limestones of the White Váh series of the Choč Nappe. The individual parts of the cave have different genesis and spatial distribution. Cave levels are not developed in their typical form and are interconnected by vertical parts, chimneys formed by consequent activity of autochthonous and allochthonous waters. The large horizontal passages were formed by ponor waters coming from the non-karst granite core of the Low Tatras. The inclined passages were formed by activities of autochthonous waters of the karst massif.
Cave genesis was influenced also by other factors like corrosion of atmospheric waters along tectonic faults, gravitational processes connected with periglacial through freezing, which caused cave-ins in several cave spaces. The majority of passages is fossil at present and further collapses and growing of flowstone fills takes place. The active cave development takes place in its lowest parts in the phreatic conditions and spaces with inflows of surface rainfall waters.
The prevailing part of cave sediments is of allochthonous material from the crystalline massif of the Low Tatras. Sandy and loamy sediments without strong presence of bigger pebbles are predominating.
There are various forms of flowstone fill in the cave. Richer accumulations of flowstone formations occur only in some places mainly in the form of straw stalactites and stick stalagmites growing from sandy sediments. Plastic speleothems are well developed in places communicating with the surface.
Four bat species winter in the cave. Only the Greater Mouse-Eared Bat is more abundant (Myotis myotis). The invertebrat fauna wasn’t investigated yet. A possible occurrence of rare crustacean of the Bathynella family is presumed in cave lakes.
Dear visitors, we would like to inform you that due to the technical conditions of payment terminals, there may be situations when card payment will not be possible. For this reason, we recommend that you have an adequate amount of cash available if you want to be sure that you will be able to visit the cave. Thank you for understanding.
Dear visitors,
after a longer period we reopen the long tour in the Demänovska Cave of Liberty from the 1st of July 2024. The tour is open once a day at 13:15 from June to August (3 months) and at 13:00 during the rest of the opening days. Number of visitors is limited, the tour is demanding, with many steps and it takes more than one and a half hours. Cave temperature is around 7°C whole year round. We are looking forward to your visit.
Konanie: 24.- 26. september 2024. Bližšie informácie o tomto podujatí nájdete na odkaze.
The conference will be held from September 24 to 26, 2024 in Liptovský Mikuláš. More on the link.