State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic Slovak Caves Administration
Štátna ochrana prírody

Speleological guard service

The caves require regular care. The karst and cave territories are regularly checked by the speleological guard service – the rangers specialized for cave protection, control of the cave ecosystems and gates closing of the threatened caves. The members of the speleological guard service are named by the territorially appropriate regional offices for the environment according to the § 70-72 of the act no. 543/2002 of the Legal Codes on Nature and Landscape Protection on motion of the Slovak Caves Administration.

The history of the speleological guard service

The activities of the nature guard in the form of the speleological guard service arose in 2001 under the State Nature Conservation of the Slovak Republic. The competency over all the caves in Slovakia was taken over by the Slovak Caves Administration in 2002, which meant also the speleological guard service. Activities of the rangers were widened by practical care for caves (regular control of caves, cooperation at revisions, closing and cleaning the caves and maintenance of gates).

The rangers send regular reports on their control activities to the coordinators at the Slovak Caves Administration. The reports are recorded and if needed immediately dealt with. The speleological guard service was an effective form of cave protection also for other bodies in nature protection.

Every year a vocational seminar is held to coordinate the activities of rangers and improve their knowledge. Lectures on application the legal terms, improvement of their level of knowledge in vocational disciplines, safety in caves, first aid and other subjects are presented.

Overview of organized trainings and seminars:

Name of event Number of participants
1st training of the speleological guard service - Pusté Pole 2001 29
2nd seminar of the speleological guard service - Teplý Vrch 2002 32
3rd seminar of the speleological guard service - Predná Hora 2003 42
4th seminar of the speleological guard service - Pružina – Predhorie 2004 51
5th seminar of the speleological guard service – Demänovská dolina 2005 41

The results of activities of the speleological guard service

Brief summary of the most important reports and activities:


  • catching of four poachers – Czech entomologists in the Slovak Karst when collecting protected beetles from cave spaces and surface. Inspection of the baggage and car resulted in 90 dead and 2 still living various beetles from the Slovak Karst territory. The action was done in cooperation with Speleoclub Minotaurus and Police from Plešivec and Dlhá Ves.
  • inspection of pollution of the Snežná Abyss on the Silická Plateau on the basis of ranger’s report from the Slovak Karst. Detailed analysis showed persisting serious pollution of the abyss.
  • the rangers from Liptovský Mikuláš gave notice on polluted Konská diera Abyss in the Važecký karst. Analyses results showed dangerous toxic waste by chemicals.
  • on the basis of rangers’ report a control was done of the Havran Abyss in Považský Inovec. The abyss closure was destroyed and abyss polluted by various communal waste, which was in the same year removed and new safer closure installed.
  • reported pollution of active fluviokarst Gemer–Teplica Cave in the Slovak Karst. There were many foreign substances and objects after previous survey works. The cave was immediately cleaned.
  • report of the ranger about illegal entering the Krištáľová Cave in Malá Fatra. Unknown vandals coarsely broke the precious crystals in the cave.


  • reported pollution of the Šingliarova Abyss on the Plešivecká Plateau in the Slovak Karst at the end of 2003. The transport of the waste began after declining the water level in lakes.
  • reported pollution of the Dvojitá Abyss on the Silická Plateau in the Slovak Karst. Corroded barrels with unknown chemicals were found here. After analyses and confirming toxicity the specialized firme removed the waste.
  • presumed pollution of the Zvonivá Abyss near Silica was confirmed and one ton of dangerous waste was excavated.
  • complete closure of the Kadlub Cave in the Drienčanský karst was broked and stolen.


  • breaking and devaluation of the closure to the Líščia Cave in the Valley of the Vajskovský potok
  • damaging the closure of the Čachtická Cave in Malé Karpaty. Penalty announcement for damaging of other people’s property on unknown delinquent was filed to police in both cases.
  • damaging and theft of the palaeontological findings from the Izabela Textorisová Cave. The case is under investigation by police. In this case the rangers played the decisive role at control and monitoring of the cave from the time of stealing the bones of cave bear and damaging the palaeontological layers to construction of gate and securing the protection of the locality.
  • repeated pollution of a big doline near Važec at the Konská diera Cave was reported by the ranger Peter Holúbek. SCA filed a motion on the inspection for the environment in Košice. It is sad to say that shortly before this finding the previous pollution was removed from the same place.
  • breaking of law was also reported from the Mojtínska Cave in case of sacral use. The case is under investigation.

Number of rangers and reports:

Year Number of contracted rangers Number of reports
2003 24 365
2004 41 372
2005 44 775
2006 46 267
2007 46 692

Ochtinská aragonitová jaskyňa - popoludní 29.10. 2024 mimo prevádzky

Dňa 29.10.2024 bude jaskyňa v popoludňajších hodinách z prevádzkových dôvodov uzatvorená. Posledný vstup bude o 11:00 hodine. Ospravedlňujeme sa za obmedzenie.

Card payment - recommendation

Dear visitors, we would like to inform you that due to the technical conditions of payment terminals, there may be situations when card payment will not be possible. For this reason, we recommend that you have an adequate amount of cash available if you want to be sure that you will be able to visit the cave. Thank you for understanding.

Ochtinská aragonite cave - closed on 29.10. 2024 afternoon

The cave will be closed in the afternoon on 29th October 2024 due to operational reasons. The last admission will be at 11:00 o'clock. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Demänovská jaskyňa slobody - long tour reopened from 1st July 2024

Dear visitors,

after a longer period we reopen the long tour in the Demänovska Cave of Liberty from the 1st of July 2024. The tour is open once a day at 13:15 from June to August (3 months) and at 13:00 during the rest of the opening days. Number of visitors is limited, the tour is demanding, with many steps and it takes more than one and a half hours. Cave temperature is around 7°C whole year round. We are looking forward to your visit. 

Cave visit with small children

Dear visitors, due to increased visitation of parents with very small children (circa up to 3 - 4 years of age), we would like to kindly ask you to have a rucksack baby carrier with you for visiting the more demanding caves in given time. This recommendation concerns all caves but the most concerned are the following ones: Demänovská Cave of Liberty, Belianska Cave, Dobšinská Ice Cave, Demänovská Ice Cave, Harmanecká Cave. We also ask you to consider visiting the cave with your crying child, which could disturb the other visitors. Thank you for understanding and we wish you a nice experience.


Správa jeskyní České republikyInternational Year of Caves and KarstHabakukyZajo